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Letchworth Civic Trust

Serving the residents of the garden city

How is it funded?

In 1913, just ten years after Letchworth Garden City was founded, Ebenezer Howard and nine others established the Trust encouraging public-spirited citizens to donate or bequeath money for the benefit of the community.
At first income was modest but in the 1960's several citizens, in particular, Dr Norman Macfadyen, bequeathed a considerable sum of money to the Trust.
Advised by the then secretary, Mr Horace Plinston, the trustees made a number of wise investments. The annual income from those investments enables today's trustees each year to make grants and awards which total around £60,000.

We still receive donations and legacies from public-spirited individuals. 
If you would like to remember the work of The Letchworth Civic Trust in your will, then you should contact your solicitor for advice, or alternativelyBBW-Solicitors with whom the Letchworth Civic Trust has had a long association. They will be pleased to assist you.